The MP mod can be downloaded from the GitHub: To play mp on the internet you will need the bridge too which can be downloaded from:, Servers can be found in the official BeamNG-MP discord: (Available Further down, Rules stipulate i cannot put it but will update if i get permission to put it here). Once I am happy with it and am comfortable enough with it i will be putting it onto the mods repository for all to easily access. The project currently sits in a some what playable state though errors and bugs are almost garenteed still at this point. I am not a developer of the game and therefore do not have full insight into the inner mechanics of the game and its engine so for the time being this is the best we have. Now some of you, myself included will argue this is just a hack rather than "Multiplayer" however might i remind you, you can always try to make it yourself and i have spent a lot of time on this and are trying to get the best results with what i have at my disposal at the time. At present (As of writing) the project updates your vehicle by updating its position at what is currently 10 times a second, though higher numbers have been proven to work this is the most reliable for performance in test cases so far. UDP is used for all data pertaining to the vehicles due to it being stateless and therefore faster which means we are able to send more data in a shorter space of time (Great news for us). TCP is used for all session information and to maintain the connection to the server. The project now works / uses TCP and UDP packets typically running on ports 30813 & 30814 by default. Hey guys and girls, So i have been keeping my eye on something like this for a while now and have come to the conclusion that its time to try and make a multiplayer Lua based script for BeamNG to allow for multiplayer.